Module Selection_assert (.ml)

module Selection_assert: sig .. end
selection of assert candidates

stores all assert candidates, and selects one for application.


type config = Config.config 
type bound = Bound.bound 
type statistic = Statistic.statistic 
type literal = Term.literal 
type state = State.state 
type raw_context_unifier = Context_unifier.raw_context_unifier 
type problem_literals = Problem_literals.problem_literals 
type selected = Selection_types.selected 
type context = Context.context 
type candidates 



val create : config ->
bound ->
statistic ->
state ->
context ->
problem_literals -> candidates
creates an empty candidate repository.


val has_closing_candidate : candidates -> bool
the next candidate to be chosen will lead to the computation of a closing context unifier (Selection_lookahead). imperfect, might return false although the candidate leads to a Close.
val size : candidates -> int
the number of candidates to chose from. not all of these may be actually eligible, some candidates may be subsumed by the context, and other candidates may be invalidated by backtracking, but not yet removed (done lazily).


val add : candidates -> raw_context_unifier -> bool
adds an assert candidate to the repository. returns true if a lookahead closing candidate is known (Selection_assert.has_closing_candidate).
val select : candidates -> selected option
selects (priority based) an assert literal from the repository, and blocks it from further selection (until backtracking).

Does not choose candidates subsumed by the context.

Returns None, if no further assert candidate exists.

val check_exceeding : candidates -> unit
registers all candidates which exceed the depth bound and are currently applicable Bound.

to be called only when select returns None, based on the semantics of Flags.opt_restart, when a branch has to be checked for being exhausted.

val is_element_incomplete : candidates -> Context.element -> bool
is_element_incomplete candidates context_element returns true if applicable exceeding candidates computed by this context_element have been dropped when the restart mode Config.restart is Flags.opt_restart.RS_Delayed.

Then, when a branch has been found that is saturated wrt. to the candidates within the current depth bound, all candidates for incomplete context elements are recomputed and checked if they are satisfied in the branch, and registered in Bound otherwise.


val backtrack : candidates -> unit
returns the candidate store to the one associated to the current active state.

DEPENDENCY: State_backtrack must have been executed before.