Module Config (.ml)

module Config: sig .. end
configuration for a derivation


type literal = Term.literal 
type flags = Flags.flags 
type problem = Problem.problem 
type config 



val create : flags:flags ->
problem:problem ->
is_horn:bool -> start_time:float -> fof:bool -> theorem:bool -> config
create ~flags ~horn ~equality ~start_time ~fof ~theorem creates a new configuration initialized with flags. The problem is considered to be Horn, if is-horn is true, to contain equality predicates, if contains_equality is true. The time (wall clock) when the derivation was started is given with start_time fof states that the problem is formulated with first-order formulas, theorem that it also contains a conjecture.
val start_time : config -> float
returns the (wall clock) time when the derivation was started.
val is_horn : config -> bool
is the problem (after transformations) horn?
val is_fof : config -> bool
is the original problem fof or cnf?
val is_theorem : config -> bool
for a fof problems, does it contain a conjecture?
val problem : config -> problem
returns the problem clause set to solve.


For an explanation of most of these settings see also module Flags.
val resolve : config -> bool
apply resolve.
val subsume : config -> bool
apply subsume.
val compact : config -> bool
apply compact.
val productivity : config -> bool
only consider productive remainders.
val mixed_literals : config -> bool
allow context literals containing universal and parametric variables.
val finite_domain : config -> bool
search for finite domain models.
val finite_domain_functionality : config -> bool
add functionality axioms for each function symbol in finite domain mode.

e.g, for domain size 3 and the binary function symbol f add:

f(x, y) != 1 \/ f(x, y) != 2

f(x, y) != 2 \/ f(x, y) != 1

f(x, y) != 1 \/ f(x, y) != 3

f(x, y) != 3 \/ f(x, y) != 1

f(x, y) != 2 \/ f(x, y) != 3

f(x, y) != 3 \/ f(x, y) != 2

which in essence is for all domain different elements d, d':

f(x, y) = d => f(x, y) != d'

val lemma : config -> Flags.opt_lemma
compute and store lemmas.
val lemma_min : config -> int
when forgetting lemmas keep at least lemma_min lemmas.
val lemma_max : config -> int
forget lemmas when there are more than lemma_max lemmas.
val lemma_uip : config -> bool
use the UIP in lemma generation as described in Lemma.
val lemma_parametric_assert : config -> int
apply parametric propagation on lemmas/clauses learnt at least n times.
val equality : config -> Flags.opt_equality
how should equality be handled?
val plus_v : config -> bool
should +v be used instead of -v as the initial context literal?
val default_v : config -> literal
returns +v or -v, depending on Config.plus_v.
val backtracking : config -> Flags.opt_backtracking
the chosen backtracking method.
val iterative_deepening : config -> Flags.opt_iterative_deepening
the chosen iterative deepening method.
val deepening_bound : config -> int
the initial bound for the iterative deepening. The current bound is maintained in Bound.bound.
val lookahead_exceeding : config -> bool
apply the close look-ahaed also to Assert candidates exceeding the current deepening bound.
val restart : config -> Flags.opt_restart
the chosen restarting strategy.
val jumping : config -> bool
do jumps in the search space Jumping.
val neg_assert_candidates : config -> Flags.opt_neg_assert_candidates
how to handle negative Assert candidate literals in the Horn case.
val term_indexing : config -> bool
should term indexing be applied for context checks?
val problem_file_name : config -> string
the file name of the problem.
val time_out_CPU : config -> float
system cpu timeout in seconds.
val time_out_WC : config -> float
system cpu timeout in seconds.


val print_level : config -> int
print level.
val print_configuration : config -> bool
print the configuration settings.
val print_equality_axioms : config -> bool
print the added equality axioms, if any.
val print_lemmas : config -> bool
print the lemmas generated and kept over restarts.
val print_finite_domain_axioms : config -> bool
print the axiomation in finite domain mode (Finite_domain).
val print_finite_domain_problem : config -> Flags.opt_print_fd_problem
print the generated problem in finite domain mode (Finite_domain).
val print_statistics : config -> bool
print a statistics after the derivation.
val print_model_context : config -> bool
print a found model as a context.
val print_model_context_file : config -> string
like Config.print_model_context, but to the file with the given name.
val print_model_DIG : config -> bool
print a found model as a DIG.
val print_model_DIG_file : config -> string
like Config.print_model_DIG, but to the file with the given name.
val print_model_finite : config -> bool
print the multiplication tables of a found finite domain model.
val print_model_tptp : config -> bool
print a model in TPTP format
val print_model_tptp_file : config -> string
like Config.print_model_tptp, but to the file with the given name.
val print_derivation_online : config -> bool
print Assert, Split, and Close applications when they are applied during the derivation, plus stuff like the depth bound, backtracking, and restarts.
val print_derivation_context_unifier : config -> bool
print the corresponding context unifier when an application of Assert, Split, or Close is printed.
val print_assert_candidates : config -> bool
print each computed applicable assert candidate.
val print_split_candidates : config -> bool
print each computed applicable split candidate.


val print : config -> unit
string representation of the configuration (ala Print.print_label).