Module Finite_domain (.ml)

module Finite_domain: sig .. end
finite domain model finding

see the paper Computing Finite Models by Reduction to Function-Free Clause Logic by Peter Baumgartner, Alexander Fuchs, Hans de Neville, Cesare Tinelli.


type symbol = Symbol.symbol 
type term = Term.term 
type clause = Term.clause 
type problem = Problem.problem 
type arities = Problem.arities 
type sorts = Sort_inference.sorts 
type finite_domain 
finite domain data type


val create : print_transformation:bool ->
print_sorts:bool -> problem -> finite_domain
create print problem domain_size creates a finite domain representation based on problem, and infers the problem sorts.

prints the flattened clause set if print_transformation is true.

prints the sorts if print_sorts is true.

val get_problem : finite_domain -> problem
returns the original problem.
val get_flattened : finite_domain -> problem
returns the flattened problem.
val get_sorts : finite_domain -> sorts
returns the sorts of the problem.
val get_axioms : print:bool ->
print_tptp:bool ->
use_functionality_axioms:bool ->
finite_domain -> int -> clause list
returns the axioms for the given domain size, that is for totality and equality.

if print is given the axioms are printed.

returns all axioms, not only the new ones for this domain size.

adds functionality axioms if use_functionality_axioms is true.

val get_domain_element : int -> Term.term
returns the domain element.
val get_domain_elements : int -> Term.term list
returns all domain elements for the given domain size.
val relation_to_equations : finite_domain -> term -> term list
transforms a relational term into all the functional term represented by it. E.g., r_2(z, x, y, 1) --> with the 2-ary function symbols f and g: f(x, y) = 1 g(x, y) = 1