Module Sort_inference (.ml)

module Sort_inference: sig .. end
infers sorts based on a clause set

Implements sort inference, see the paper New Techniques that Improve MACE-style Finite Model Finding by Koen Classen and Niklas Soerensson.

For an unsorted first-order clause set, the sorts of each function and predicate symbol (arguments and results) are first assumed to be different. Then sorts are collapsed, if their occurrences in the clauses require two sorts to be identical. For example,

Sorts can be used for static symmetry reduction (Finite_domain).


type symbol = Symbol.symbol 
type clause = Term.clause 
type sorts 
the sorts of a clause set.


val infer : print:bool -> clause list -> sorts
infers the sorts for the clause set.
val add_constant : sorts ->
symbol -> symbol -> unit
add_constant sorts constant existing registers the new constant symbol. Its sort is of the result sort of the symbol existing, which must already be registerd.
val constants_partition : sorts -> symbol list list
returns the constants partitioned by sorts.
val max_constant_partition_size : sorts -> int
returns the biggest partition in Sort_inference.constants_partition.
val print : sorts -> unit
prints the sorts.