Module Term (.ml)

module Term: sig .. end
terms, literals, clauses

All persistent terms are stored in a global database, so that each term exists only once in the system (hash-consing).

Fast access is based on a hash value for every term Term.hash_of_term. For variables and constants that's their id, for terms it is (for efficiency) stored in the term data structure.

Benefits: low memory usage by term sharing, fast term comparison by pointer equality.

Drawbacks: term construction implies a term database access, terms store a hash value.

Only temporarily needed terms may not be entered into the database, if the argument ?insert_db is false in the request functions below. By default ?insert_db is true.


type var = Var.var 
type symbol = Symbol.symbol 

type func = private {
   symbol : symbol; (*the top symbol, e.g. f*)
   subterms : term array; (*the subterms, e.g. a, b*)
   ground : bool; (*is the term ground?*)
   hash : int; (*the hash value of this term used in the term database.*)
   in_db : bool; (*is this term in the database?*)
a functional term, e.g. f(a, b)

type term = private
| Var of var (*a variable*)
| Const of symbol (*a constant*)
| Func of func (*a function*)
a term can be a variable, a constant or a function.

type literal = private {
   sign : bool; (*the sign/polarity*)
   atom : term; (*the atom*)
   literal_in_db : bool; (*is this term in the database?*)
a literal is a signed term - the term is interpreted as a predicate.
type clause = literal list 
a clause: a list, not a set as in theory.
module TermTable: Hashtbl.S  with type key = term
a specialized Hashtbl with terms as keys.
module LiteralTable: Hashtbl.S  with type key = literal
a specialized Hashtbl with literals as keys.
module ClauseTable: Hashtbl.S  with type key = clause
a specialized Hashtbl with clauses as keys.
module ClauseApproxTable: Hashtbl.S  with type key = clause
a specialized Hashtbl with clauses as keys.
module LiteralTypeTable: Hashtbl.S  with type key = literal
a specialized Hashtbl with literal types as keys, that is not the concrete literal but it's sign and predicate symbol.


Special Terms

val true_literal : literal
the true literal (sign is true).
val false_literal : literal
the false literal (sign is true).
val null_term : term
to be used for default initialization.
val null_literal : literal
to be used for default initialization.
val assert_literal : literal
marks an assert gap in a context unifier (Context_unifier).
val init_literal : literal
marks an assert gap for a literal of the initial interpretation of a context.
val plus_v : literal
the +v context literal.
val minus_v : literal
the -v context literal.
val v_par : var
dummy parameter contained in plus_v and minus_v, to be used together with v_term.
val v_term : term
dummy term to bind plus_v oder minus_v to in a context unifier, see implementation of Context_unifier.extend_partial_context_unifier.


val request_var : var -> term
requests a Term.term.Var term from a database.

there might be different instances of the same variable Var.var in the system. Still, as the first request to Term.request_var creates a database entry for this specific instance of the variable, and the following requests return this first stored instance, all Term.term.Vars built on this variable are identical.

val request_const : symbol -> term
requests a Term.term.Const term from a database.
val request_func : ?insert_db:bool -> symbol * term array -> term
requests a Term.term.Func term. if insert_db is true (default: true) the term is inserted into the database, if it is not already contained.
val request_literal : ?insert_db:bool -> bool -> term -> literal
requests a Term.literal. if insert_db is true (default: true) the term is inserted into the database, if it is not already contained.

Term Modification

val insert_term : term -> term
inserts the literal into the database if it is not already contained.
val insert_literal : literal -> literal
see Term.insert_term.
val request_negated_literal : ?insert_db:bool -> literal -> literal
requests a negation of a literal.
val request_skolemized_literal : literal -> literal
requests the skolemization of a literal from the database. this is the skolemization in the Model Evolution sense, i.e each universal variable is replaced by a fresh constant, while parameters are normalized (each occurrence of the same variable is replaced by the same constant).
val request_skolemized_clause : clause -> clause
see Term.request_skolemized_literal.
val request_universal_term : term -> term
requests the universal version of a term from the database, i.e. each parameter occuring in the term is replaced by a fresh universal variable. (each occurrence of the same parameter is replaced by the same variable).
val request_universal_literal : literal -> literal
see Term.request_universal_term.
val request_universal_clause : clause -> clause
see Term.request_universal_clause.
val replace_term_in_term : term -> term -> term -> term
replace_in_term_term term sub_term replace_term builds a new term from term by replacing every occurrence of sub_term in term by replace_term.
val replace_term_in_literal : literal -> term -> term -> literal
see Term.replace_term_in_term.
val replace_terms_in_term : term -> (term * term) list -> term
like Term.replace_term_in_term, but for a number of terms simultaneously.
val replace_terms_in_literal : literal -> (term * term) list -> literal
see Term.replace_terms_in_term.
val replace_vars_in_term : term -> (var -> term -> term) -> term
replace_vars_in_term term map like Term.replace_terms_in_term, but a variable is replaced by a term by the function map.
val replace_vars_in_literal : literal -> (var -> term -> term) -> literal
see Term.replace_vars_in_term.
val remove_duplicates : literal list -> literal list
removes duplicate literals.

Term Sorts

val get_term_sort : term -> Symbol.sort
the sort of the top symbol
val get_literal_sort : literal -> Symbol.sort
the sort of the top symbol
val is_connection_literal : literal -> bool
a connection predicate?
val is_fd_relation : literal -> bool
a finite domain relation predicate?
val is_fd_size_marker : literal -> bool
a finite domain marker predicate?
val is_fd_element : term -> bool
a finite domain element?
val is_input_term : term -> bool
a term built over the input signature?
val is_input_literal : literal -> bool
see Term.is_input_term
val is_fd_term : term -> bool
a term built over the input signature and additional finite domain symbols? I.e. Symbol.sort in FD_Relation, FD_Element, FD_Symbol
val is_fd_literal : literal -> bool
see Term.is_fd_term
val is_skolem_free_term : term -> bool
a skolem free term?
val is_skolem_free_literal : literal -> bool
a skolem free literal?


val hash_of_term : term -> int
the hash value of a term.
val hash_of_literal : literal -> int
see Term.hash_of_term.
val hash_of_clause : clause -> int
see Term.hash_of_clause.
val top_symbol_term : term -> symbol
returns the top symbol of the term.
Raises Not_found if term is of type Var.
val top_symbol_literal : literal -> symbol
see Term.top_symbol_term.
val is_term_var : term -> bool
is the term of type Var?
val is_literal_var : literal -> bool
see Term.is_term_var.
val vars_of_term : term -> var list
returns the variables of the term (without duplicates).
val vars_of_literal : literal -> var list
see Term.vars_of_term.
val vars_of_clause : clause -> var list
see Term.vars_of_literal.
val term_contains_var : term -> var -> bool
is the variable contained in the term?
val literal_contains_var : literal -> var -> bool
see Term.term_contains_var.
val term_contains_term : term -> term -> bool
term_contains_term term contained is the term contained contained in the term term?
val literal_contains_term : literal -> term -> bool
see Term.term_contains_var.
val is_term_ground : term -> bool
is the term ground?
val is_literal_ground : literal -> bool
see Term.is_literal_var.

Schema Terms

a schema term for a symbol is the most general term for this symbol, e.g. for a 3-ary symbol f the schema term is f(x, y, z).
val is_schema_term : term -> bool
is this a schema term?
val create_schema_term : symbol -> term
create the schema term for a symbol.
val create_schema_term_from_term : term -> term
create the schema term for a term.

Clause Properties

val is_definit : clause -> bool
does the clause contain exactly one positive literal?
val is_Horn : clause -> bool
is the clause Horn?
val are_Horn : clause list -> bool
is the clause set?
val is_BS : clause -> bool
is the clause free of function symbols? (Bernays-Schoenfinkle class)
val are_BS : clause list -> bool
are the clauses free of function symbols?
val contains_empty_clause : clause list -> bool
is a clause empty, or contains only false?
val contains_equality : clause list -> bool
does the clause set contain a (dis)equality literal?
val is_tautology : clause -> bool
is the clause a tautology?

tests for:


val term_equal : term -> term -> bool
are two terms equal?
val literal_equal : literal -> literal -> bool
are two literals equal?
val clause_equal : clause -> clause -> bool
are two clauses equal? order of literals does not matter.
val clause_approx_equal : clause -> clause -> bool
are two clauses equal? order of literals does matter.
val compare_terms : term -> term -> int
a quick non-total order on terms.
val compare_literals : literal -> literal -> int
see Term.compare_terms.
val sort_clause : clause -> clause
sorts a clause with Term.compare_literals.


val are_terms_variants : term -> term -> bool
are two terms (universal- and parameter-preserving) variants?
val are_literals_variants : literal -> literal -> bool
see Term.are_terms_variants.
val are_literals_skolem_variants : literal -> literal -> bool
are two terms variants modulo skolem constants? That is, is there a bijective mapping of the skolem constants of one literal to the skolem constants of the other literal, and the literals are universal- and parameter-preverving variants?
val remove_variants : literal list -> literal list
removes variants from a literal set
val remove_duplicates : literal list -> literal list
removes duplicates from a literal set

TPTP Conversions

val tptp_get_domain_element : int -> term
get the finite domain element in tptp format: "1"
val tptp_replace_var : var -> term
replaces all variables in a term by constants, so that instead of Darwin's _0 the output is a tptp conform X0.
val to_tptp_term : term -> term
performs all transformations necessary to output a term as a tptp term.

relational function terms of the from r(f, ...) are replaced by f(...). for r(x, ...), i.e. if there is no fd relation symbol f, the function fails with an exception.

String Representation

val term_to_string : ?pretty:bool -> term -> string
Example: +p(a, _0). pretty is by default true, then for example finite domain relations are printed more compact.
val literal_to_string : ?pretty:bool -> literal -> string
Example: -p(a, _0)
val clause_to_string : ?pretty:bool -> clause -> string
Example: { +p(f(a), _0), -q(b) }
val tptp_clause_to_tptp_string : string -> clause -> string
tptp_clause_to_tptp_string label clause transforms a clause into a tptp string representation.

label is the label of the clause, e.g. "flattened_0"