Module Context_unifier (.ml)

module Context_unifier: sig .. end
basic types for and operations on context unifiers

contains also the types for the search for context unifiers, but this is actually done in Context_unifier_space and Context_unifier_search.


type var = Var.var 
type literal = Term.literal 
type clause = Term.clause 
type subst = Subst.subst 
type choice_point = State.choice_point 
type state = State.state 
type 'a stack = 'a Stack.stack 

type candidate_type =
| Close (*compute only Close context unifiers.*)
| Assert (*compute only Assert context unifiers.*)
| Split (*compute only Split context unifiers.*)
| CloseAssert (*compute only Close and Assert context unifiers.*)
| All (*compute all context unifiers.*)
when a literal is added to the context all or only specific context unifiers can be computed.

type context_partner = private {
   cp_element : Context.element; (*the context literal.*)
   cp_partial_context_unifier : subst option; (*the partial context unifier, has to be recomputed with the paired clause literal, if not stored (memory explosion).*)
   cp_empty_remainder : bool; (*has this partial context unifier an empty remainder, i.e. no parameter is mapped to a non-parameter?*)
a context literal paired to an input clause literal.
type context_partners = context_partner array 
the context literals paired with an input clause, i.e. a Context_unifier.context_unifier_space. A Context_unifier.input_partner is paired with the context literal at context_partners.(input_partner.ip_index).

In an earlier implementation this ensured that context_partners remains valid, even if the cus_input_partners of a context_unifier_space, i.e. the literals of a clause, are reordered. Now cus_input_partners are not reordered directly, this is done indirectly by cus_input_partners_ordering.

type input_partner = private {
   ip_index : int; (*the literal is the's literal of the clause (the actual order in the datastructure is dynamic during the computation)*)
   ip_literal : literal; (*the input literal*)
   ip_vars : Subst.var list; (*the variables of the literal*)
   mutable ip_context_partners : context_partner stack; (*all current context literals (negated) unifiable with this input literal*)
   mutable ip_resolved : context_partner option; (*the context literal resolving this input literal.*)
a literal of an input clause, with some properties and the results of its unification with all context literals.

type context_unifier_space = private {
   cus_id : int; (*unique id per clause*)
   cus_clause : clause; (*the input clause*)
   cus_lemma : bool; (*is this a lemma, i.e. a clause learnt during the derivation?*)
   mutable cus_lemma_learned : int; (*this clause has been learned this many times as a lemma. this is counted for a clause and a lemma. see Config.lemma_parametric_assert.*)
   cus_vars : Subst.var list; (*the variables occuring in the clause.*)
   cus_shared_vars : Subst.var list; (*the variables occuring in more than one clause literal.*)
   cus_local_vars : Subst.var list; (*the variables occuring only in one clause literal.*)
   cus_input_partners : input_partner array; (*the clause literals as input_partners.*)
   cus_input_partners_ordering : int array; (*a reordering laid over the input partners, in order of decreasing number of context partners per input partner. context unifiers are computing in this order.*)
   cus_process_close_candidate : raw_context_unifier -> unit; (*to be called on each found closing context unifier (see Context_unifier_check.check_close).*)
   cus_process_assert_candidate : raw_context_unifier -> bool; (*to be called on each found assert candidate (see Context_unifier_check.check_assert).*)
   cus_process_split_candidate : raw_context_unifier -> unit; (*to be called on each found split candidate (see Context_unifier_check.check_split).*)
   cus_is_element_incomplete_assert : Context.element -> bool; (*checks with Selection_assert.is_element_incomplete if this element is already incomplete.*)
   cus_is_element_incomplete_split : Context.element -> bool; (*checks with Selection_split.is_element_incomplete if this element is already incomplete.*)
   cus_utility : int Pervasives.ref; (*the utility of this clause, i.e. its value in found conflicts.*)
represents an input clause and its relationship with the context, i.e. unifiable literal pairs, ...

See Context_unifier.context_unifier_space.

type raw_context_unifier = private {
   rcu_space : context_unifier_space; (*the clause of the context unifier.*)
   rcu_context_partners : context_partners; (*the context literals of the context unifier.*)
   rcu_exceeding_complexity : bool; (*do all applicable Split/Assert literals of this context unifier exceed the current depth bound? (Bound).*)
the minimal information needed to recompute a context unifier.

See Context_unifier.context_unifier_space.

refutation found
exception CLOSE of raw_context_unifier
raised if Close is triggered by the given closing context unifier.



val null_partner : context_partner
used for initialization.
val assert_partner : context_partner
used as the gap marker in an 'assert context unifier'.
val null_context_unifier : raw_context_unifier
used for initialization.


val create_context_unifier : context_unifier_space ->
context_partners ->
bool -> raw_context_unifier
create_context_unifier rcu_space rcu_context_partners rcu_exceeding_complexity
val create_context_partner : Context.element ->
subst option -> bool -> context_partner
create_context_partner cp_element cp_p_preserving cp_element
val create_input_partner : int ->
literal -> Subst.var list -> input_partner
create_input_partner ip_index ip_literal ip_vars ip_context_partners
val create_space : int ->
clause ->
Subst.var list ->
Subst.var list ->
Subst.var list ->
input_partner array ->
int array ->
(raw_context_unifier -> unit) ->
(raw_context_unifier -> bool) ->
(raw_context_unifier -> unit) ->
(Context.element -> bool) ->
(Context.element -> bool) -> bool -> context_unifier_space
create_space cus_id cus_clause cus_vars cus_shared_vars cus_local_vars cus_input_partners cus_input_partners_ordering cus_process_close_candidate cus_process_assert_candidate cus_process_split_candidate cus_is_element_incomplete_assert cus_is_element_incomplete_split cus_lemma


val set_resolved : input_partner ->
context_partner option -> unit
set the input_partner as resolved by the context_partner.
val increase_lemma_learned : context_unifier_space -> unit
register that this clause has been learned as a lemma.


val is_raw_context_unifier_invalid : raw_context_unifier -> bool
has the raw_context_unifier become invalid after backtracking?
val extend_partial_context_unifier : recompute:bool ->
p_preserving:bool ->
subst ->
input_partner ->
context_partner -> subst
extend_partial_context_unifier partial_context_unifier input_partner context_partner extends the partial_context_unifier with the partial context unifier between input_partner and context_partner. for lemmas only matching instead of unification is used, thus missing some context unifiers, but being faster.

May change partial_context_unifier.

val recompute_unifier : recompute:bool ->
raw_context_unifier -> subst
recomputes the substitution of the raw_context_unifier. equivalent to using Context_unifier.extend_partial_context_unifier on all clause / context literal pairings.

this is not a full context unifier as in the ME paper, it might miss bindings of clause literal variables, it is only guaranteed to instantiate from the clause literals to the actual context unifier instance literals (remainder and co).

val recompute_full_unifier : recompute:bool ->
raw_context_unifier -> subst
recomputes the full context unifier in the ME paper sense.

is_remainder context_unifier context_literal_parameters input_literal_index. does the context literal, which contains the parameters context_literal_parameters, and is paired with the input literal in the context_unifier, produce a remainder literal? I.e., is one of its parameters bound to a non-parameter?
val is_remainder : subst -> Context.element -> int -> bool
is_remainder subst element offset checks if the substitution maps a parameter contained in element with the given offset to a non-parameter.
val is_remainder' : subst -> bool
checks if the substitution maps a parameter to a non-parameter.
val compute_remainder_states : raw_context_unifier -> subst -> bool array
maps each clause / context literal pairing to true, if it corresponds to a remainder literal, false otherwise. the order follows the one given in Context_unifier.context_partners.
val generation_of_candidate : context_partners -> int
depth of the dependency tree of the context literals needed to compute this context unifier, i.e. 'how deep' in the derivation this candidate has been computed.
val get_context_literals : context_partners -> literal array
the context literals of the context partners in the same order as paired to the clause in its initial order.
val get_creation_choice_point : context_partners -> choice_point
the choice point in which this unifier has been computed
val creating_context_element : raw_context_unifier -> Context.element
the most recent (youngest) context element used to compute the context unifier. that is, the one which triggered its computation.
val is_permanently_blocking : Context.element -> context_partners -> bool
is_permanently_blocking blocking blocked checks if the candidate represented by blocked is always present as long as the candidate represented by blocking is present. I.e., if blocking is retracted this implies that blocked has been retracted as well.

Meant to be used when blocking invalidates blocked, e.g. p-subsumes it, to determine if blocked can be savely and permanently dropped.

this could be extended blocking to also use the implication point of a candidate, i.e. an Assert or Unit Split candidate, instead of only the point where it was added to the context. but, this only works for Unit Split candidates, as otherwise due to the eager Assert strategy the creation (addition) and implication point are identical. this doesn't justify the new code.

val create_space_utility_inc : context_unifier_space -> unit -> unit
creates a function that increments the utility value of the context_unifier_space.
val compare_context_unifiers : different:bool ->
raw_context_unifier ->
raw_context_unifier -> int
a total ordering on context unifiers based on the clause and context literal ids. if different then a failure exception is raised if the two context unifiers are equal.


val raw_context_unifier_to_string : raw_context_unifier -> string
string representation of the literal pairing of the context unifier.
val context_unifier_to_string : context_unifier_space ->
context_partners -> string
same as raw_context_unifier_to_string