Module State (.ml)

module State: sig .. end
choice point (decision level) management

A choice point represents/manages a Split decision (plus subsequent Propagations) and the dependencies (explanation) of this choice point on other choice points (see the Alexander Fuchs' master thesis for a longer explanation).

The choice points are ordered in a sequence which represents the current derivation branch. The first choice point of the sequence (the root choice point) is not really a choice point, as it is not created by a split decision, and merely extended by the assertion of the unit clauses of the input clause set. Left Splits create new choice points, Right Splits, Unit Splits, and Asserts work on the current choice point, i.e. the most recently created choice point (the active choice point).

A choice point is older than another choice point if it comes earlier in the branch, that is the root choice point is the oldest one.

If a choice point becomes invalid (i.e. retracted in backtracking), all older choice points, and all dependent context literals and remainders become also invalid (transitive closure).


type config = Config.config 
type literal = Term.literal 
type clause = Term.clause 
type subst = Subst.subst 
type choice_point 
see module description.
type explanation = choice_point list 
the explanation of a choice point are the choice points it depends on.

type literal_type =
| Propagation (*assert or unit split.*)
| SplitLeft (*left split.*)
| SplitRight (*right split.*)
inference rule which produced the context literal.

type literal_info = private {
   li_literal : literal; (*the context literal.*)
   li_type : literal_type; (*type of context literal*)
   li_choice_point : choice_point; (*the choice point in which the literal was added to the context.*)
   li_context_unifier : subst; (*the actual context unifier*)
   li_clause : clause; (*the context unifier is based on this clause*)
   li_clause_vars : Subst.var list; (*the variables occuring in the clause*)
   li_context_literals : literal array; (*... these context literals. for a left split this is the empty array, for a right split the explanation of the left split, and for a propagation the context literals used in the context unifier.*)
   li_clause_index : int; (*... with the clause literal at this position instantiated to li_literal, counting from 0*)
   li_clause_utility : unit -> unit; (*called when the clause contributes (directly or indirectly by dependencies) to a closing context unifier. supposed to increase the utility value of the clause for further candidate selection.*)
   mutable li_explanation : explanation option; (*the explanation of this context literal based on bn_context_literals, to be memoized after the first computation.*)
the information associated with a context literal needed for backtracking, dependency analysis, lemma generation, ...

the implication graph of the context literals is given by the link li_literal -> li_context_literals

type state 
manages a derivation branch, i.e. a sequence of choice points, and their dependencies, via a set of branch_nodes



val valid_choice_point : choice_point
a valid choice_point.
val invalid_choice_point : choice_point
an invalid choice point.


val create_literal_info : literal ->
literal_type ->
choice_point ->
subst ->
clause ->
Subst.var list ->
literal array ->
int -> (unit -> unit) -> explanation option -> literal_info
creates a literal_info value.


val root_choice_point : state -> choice_point
returns the root choice point.
val active_choice_point : state -> choice_point
returns the active choice point, i.e. the most recently created (not backtracked) one.
val left_split_literal : choice_point -> literal
returns the left split literal used to create this choice point.
val right_split_literals : choice_point -> literal list
returns the right split literals applied in this choice point in order of application.
val get_branch : state -> choice_point list
returns the current derivation branch, i.e. the current valid choice points in reversed order of application (active one first)
val get_literal_info : state -> literal -> literal_info
returns the information associated with this context literal.
Raises Not_found if this context literal is not part of the derivation.


val create : config -> state
creates a new derivation branch.
val apply_split_left : state ->
literal ->
subst ->
clause -> Subst.var list -> int -> (unit -> unit) -> choice_point
apply_split_left state context_literal context_unifier clause clause_vars clause_index utility_function creates a new choice point initiated by a left split on the new context_literal.

the context literal has been computed with some context literals against clause at position clause_index within clause. see State.literal_info.li_clause_utility for utility_function.

val apply_split_right : state ->
literal ->
subst ->
clause ->
Subst.var list -> int -> (unit -> unit) -> literal array -> unit
apply_split_right state context_literal context_unifier clause clause_index utility_function explanation is similar to State.apply_split_left, but applies a right split.

Therefore, no new choice point is created, and the right split depends on other context literals which are given in explanation.

val apply_propagation : state ->
literal ->
subst ->
clause ->
Subst.var list -> int -> (unit -> unit) -> literal array -> unit
apply_propagation state context_literal context_unifier clause clause_index utility_function context_literals is similar to State.apply_split_right, but applies an assert or unit split.

The explanation is implicitely given by the context_literals used to compute the assert/unit split literal.


val invalidate_choice_point : choice_point -> unit
invalidates a choice point.
val set_branch : state -> choice_point list -> unit
replaces the current derivation branch with this choice point list. must be in chronological order of creation, and all choice points must be valid.
val backtrack_literal_info : state -> unit
removes all literal_info entries which have been retracted, i.e. which correspond to invalid states.


val id_of_choice_point : choice_point -> int
the id of the choice point as used by State.compare_age
val is_choice_point_valid : choice_point -> bool
is this choice point valid?
val is_choice_point_invalid : choice_point -> bool
is this choice point invalid?
val get_explanation : state -> literal array -> choice_point list
computes and returns the explanation of a set of context literals.


val choice_point_equal : choice_point -> choice_point -> bool
are two choice points equal?
val compare_age : choice_point -> choice_point -> int
compares the age of two choice points. returns
val backtracking_depends_on : choice_point -> choice_point -> bool
depends the first choice point on the second int the sense that, if the second is retracted in backtracking, is the first retrackted as well?


val choice_point_to_string : choice_point -> string
string representation of a choice point, e.g. 0.
val explanation_to_string : explanation -> string
string representation of an explanation, e.g. 0, 2.
val id_to_string : int -> string
if used with the id of a choice point this give the same representation as using State.choice_point_to_string directly.
val active_choice_point_to_string : state -> string
string representation of the active choice point. Shortcut for State.choice_point_to_string State.active_choice_point.
val branch_to_string : state -> string
extended string representation of the derivation branch, including validity and dependency information.