Module Bound (.ml)

module Bound: sig .. end
iterative deepening bound


type config = Config.config 
type literal = Term.literal 
type choice_point = State.choice_point 
type subst = Subst.subst 
type complexity = int 
the complexity (of a literal), i.e. the value to be checked against the deepening bound. Currently the term depth or weight (Flags.opt_iterative_deepening).
class type bound = object .. end
Here all candidates are checked for exceeding the iterative deepening bound.


val create : inc:bool -> config -> bound
creates a bound object with the initial bound given in Config.deepening_bound. if inc is true, Bound.bound.restart always increases the bound by 1, otherwise as described in Bound.bound.restart
val create_BS : config -> bound
creates a bound object specialized for the BS class (function free terms) using term depth as the complexity.

that is, all terms are known to be of term depth 2, so in essence no bound checks need to be performed at all.