type config = Config.config
type choice_point = State.choice_point
type term = Term.term
type literal = Term.literal
type subst = Subst.subst
type complexity = int
class type bound =
method current_bound: complexity
method dropped_choice_point : choice_point option
method get_complexity : literal -> complexity
method get_complexity_subst : literal -> subst -> int -> complexity
method compare_complexity : complexity -> complexity -> int
method exceeds : complexity -> bool
method exceeds_current : complexity -> choice_point -> bool
method register : complexity -> choice_point -> bool
method register_subst : literal -> subst -> int -> choice_point -> bool
method has_min_exceeding : bool
method backtrack : unit
method restart : keep_bound:bool -> unit
method is_derivation_incomplete : bool
method incomplete : unit
method complexity_to_string: complexity -> string
method print_statistic : unit
class bound_generic ~(inc:bool) (config: config) =
object (self)
val mutable bound: complexity = Config.deepening_bound config;
val mutable incomplete_branches: int = 0;
val mutable restarts: int = 0;
val mutable derivation_incomplete: bool = false;
val mutable dropped_complexity: complexity option = None;
val mutable dropped_choice_point: choice_point option = None;
method current_bound : complexity = bound
method dropped_complexity : complexity option = dropped_complexity
method dropped_choice_point : choice_point option = dropped_choice_point
method get_complexity (literal: literal) : complexity =
match Config.iterative_deepening config with
| Flags.IT_TermDepth ->
Term_attributes.depth_of_literal literal
| Flags.IT_TermWeight ->
Term_attributes.weight_of_literal literal
method get_complexity_subst (literal: literal) (subst: subst) (offset: int) : complexity =
match Config.iterative_deepening config with
| Flags.IT_TermDepth ->
Term_attributes.depth_of_literal_subst literal subst offset
| Flags.IT_TermWeight ->
Term_attributes.weight_of_literal_subst literal subst offset
method compare_complexity (complexity1: complexity) (complexity2: complexity) : int =
Tools.compare_int complexity1 complexity2
method exceeds (complexity: complexity) : bool =
bound < complexity
method exceeds_current_bound (complexity: complexity) : bool =
match dropped_complexity with
| None ->
| Some dropped_complexity ->
not inc
self#compare_complexity dropped_complexity complexity = 1
method exceeds_current_choice_point (choice_point: choice_point) : bool =
match dropped_choice_point with
| None ->
| Some dropped_choice_point ->
State.compare_age choice_point dropped_choice_point == -1
method exceeds_current (complexity: complexity) (choice_point: choice_point) : bool =
self#exceeds complexity
self#exceeds_current_bound complexity
self#exceeds_current_choice_point choice_point
method register (complexity: complexity) (choice_point: choice_point) : bool =
if self#exceeds complexity then begin
if self#exceeds_current_bound complexity then begin
dropped_complexity <- Some complexity
if self#exceeds_current_choice_point choice_point then begin
dropped_choice_point <- Some choice_point;
else begin
method register_subst (literal: literal) (subst: subst) (offset: int) (choice_point: choice_point) : bool =
let complexity =
self#get_complexity_subst literal subst offset
self#register complexity choice_point
method has_min_exceeding : bool =
(inc && dropped_choice_point != None)
match dropped_complexity with
| None -> false
| Some dropped_bound -> bound == dropped_bound - 1
method backtrack : unit =
match dropped_choice_point with
| Some choice_point when
State.is_choice_point_invalid choice_point ->
dropped_choice_point <- None
| _ ->
method restart ~(keep_bound: bool) : unit =
if not keep_bound then begin
if inc || Config.finite_domain config then begin
bound <- bound + 1;
else begin
match dropped_complexity with
| None ->
failwith "Bound.bound_generic.restart"
| Some dropped_complexity ->
bound <- dropped_complexity
restarts <- restarts + 1;
derivation_incomplete <- false;
dropped_complexity <- None;
dropped_choice_point <- None
method is_derivation_incomplete : bool =
method incomplete : unit =
derivation_incomplete <- true;
incomplete_branches <- incomplete_branches + 1
method complexity_to_string (complexity: complexity) : string =
string_of_int complexity
method print_statistic : unit =
Print.print_statistic "Incomplete Branches" incomplete_branches;
Print.print_statistic "Restarts" restarts;
Print.print_statistic "Bound" bound;
let create ~(inc: bool) (config: config) : bound =
(new bound_generic ~inc:inc config :> bound)
class bound_BS (config: config) =
object (_self)
val mutable bound: complexity = Config.deepening_bound config;
val mutable restarts: int = 0;
method current_bound : complexity = bound
method dropped_complexity : complexity option = None
method dropped_choice_point : choice_point option = None
method get_complexity (_literal: literal) : complexity = 2
method get_complexity_subst (_literal: literal) (_subst: subst) (_offset: int) : complexity = 2
method compare_complexity (_complexity1: complexity) (_complexity2: complexity) : int = 0
method exceeds (_complexity: complexity) : bool = false
method exceeds_current (_complexity: complexity) (_choice_point: choice_point) : bool = false
method register (_complexity: complexity) (_choice_point: choice_point) : bool = false
method register_subst (_literal: literal) (_subst: subst) (_offset: int) (_choice_point: choice_point) : bool = false
method has_min_exceeding : bool = false
method backtrack : unit = ()
method restart ~(keep_bound: bool) : unit =
if not keep_bound then begin
if Config.finite_domain config then begin
bound <- bound + 1;
else begin
failwith "Bound.bound_BS.restart"
restarts <- restarts + 1;
method is_derivation_incomplete : bool = false
method incomplete : unit = failwith "Bound.bound_BS.incomplete"
method complexity_to_string (complexity: complexity) : string = string_of_int complexity
method print_statistic : unit =
Print.print_statistic "Incomplete Branches" 0;
Print.print_statistic "Restarts" restarts;
Print.print_statistic "Bound" bound;
let create_BS (config: config) : bound =
(new bound_BS config :> bound)