Module Flags (.ml)

module Flags: sig .. end
command line evaluation

Evaluates the command line arguments so that it can be used by Config.create. Prints a help message if requested.


type flag_id 
a flag is identified by its id.


The valid arguments for the flags which accept strings.

type opt_equality =
| EQ_None (*Do nothing, = is uninterpreted.*)
| EQ_Axioms (*add the axioms of equality to the input clause set.*)
the valid arguments for the equality flag, i.e. how the predicate symbol = should be interpreted.

type opt_backtracking =
| BT_Naive (*perform naive backtracking, i.e. build the full binary decision tree without skipping any split decision on backtracking.*)
| BT_Backjumping (*perform backjumping (dependency directed backtracking).*)
the valid arguments for the backtracking flag.

type opt_iterative_deepening =
| IT_TermDepth (*perform iterative deeping over the term depth of candidate literals.*)
| IT_TermWeight (*perform iterative deeping over the term weight of candidate literals.*)
the valid arguments for the iterative deepening flag.

type opt_restart =
| RS_Eager (*candidates exceeding the current depth bound are dropped eagerly. when an incomplete exhausted branch is found, i.e. a branch that is only exhausted because candidate have been dropped, the derivation is restarted with an increased depth bound.*)
| RS_Lazy (*like RS_Eager exceeding candidates are dropped eagerly, but when an incomplete branch is found, restarting is not necessarily done. Instead, the derivation is backtracked to a (left split) choice point up to which no candidate has been dropped, and the derivation is continued with the (right split) inverse choice from there. Thus, more search space branches are explored for a model, but finding a refutation might be delayed.*)
| RS_Delayed (*restarting is deferred like in RS_Lazy, but in addition all exceeding candidates are kept. Only after an exhausted branch has been found, it is checked for incompleteness with respect to the kept exceeding candidates and the current context.*)
the valid arguments for the restarting strategies flag. Restarting is done when no refutation is possible within the current depth bound, and no model has been found within the current bound Bound.

type opt_neg_assert_candidates =
| NAC_Ignore (*completely ignore them.*)
| NAC_Lookahead (*use them only for the Close lookahead (Selection_assert, Selection_lookahead), but don't apply Assert.*)
| NAC_Use (*apply Assert to the negative candidates.*)
how to handle negative assert candidates.

type opt_lemma =
| LM_None (*do not compute lemmas.*)
| LM_Grounded (*ground closing clause, then start lemma computation.*)
| LM_Lifted (*start lemma computation from closing clause.*)
| LM_Propositional (*use propositional abstraction of context literals.*)
lemma computation.

type opt_preprocess_split =
| PPS_None (*do nothing.*)
| PPS_Ground (*split variable disjoint clause parts, i.e. the parts are connected by ground literals.*)
| PPS_NonGround (*split also not variable disjoint clause parts, i.e. the parts are connected by non-ground literals.*)
preprocessing of input clauses by splitting into smaller clauses.

type opt_input_format =
| FI_TME (*tme (Read_tme).*)
| FI_TPTP (*tptp (Read_tptp).*)
| FI_Darwin (*darwin (Read_darwin).*)
the supported input formats.

type opt_print_fd_problem =
| PFD_Silent (*don't print*)
| PFD_Print (*print*)
| PFD_Exit (*print and exit*)
printing of finite domain problems for each domain size.


class type [['a, 'b]] flag_type = object .. end
signature for all flags

the different flag types
type flag_type_bool = (bool, bool) flag_type 
type flag_type_int = (int, int) flag_type 
type flag_type_float = (float, float) flag_type 
type flag_type_unit = (unit, unit) flag_type 
type flag_type_string = (string, string) flag_type 
type flag_type_equality = (opt_equality, string) flag_type 
type flag_type_backtracking = (opt_backtracking, string) flag_type 
type flag_type_iterative_deepening = (opt_iterative_deepening, string) flag_type 
type flag_type_restart = (opt_restart, string) flag_type 
type flag_type_neg_assert_candidates = (opt_neg_assert_candidates, string) flag_type 
type flag_type_lemma = (opt_lemma, string) flag_type 
type flag_type_preprocess_split = (opt_preprocess_split, string) flag_type 
type flag_type_input_format = (opt_input_format, string) flag_type 
type flag_type_print_fd_problem = (opt_print_fd_problem, string) flag_type 
type flag 
unifies the different flag types.

type flags = private {
   flags : flag list; (*all flags updated according to the command line.*)
   mutable problem_file_name : string; (*the name of the file containing the problem description.*)
the result of the evaluation of the command line.



val eval_command_line : unit -> flags
creates a configuration based on the command line options.
val create : string -> flags
create file_name creates a default configuration.


These access functions map straightforward to the corresponding ones in Config.
val resolve : flags -> flag_type_bool
val subsume : flags -> flag_type_bool
val compact : flags -> flag_type_bool
val productivity : flags -> flag_type_bool
val mixed_literals : flags -> flag_type_bool
val finite_domain : flags -> flag_type_bool
val finite_domain_functionality : flags -> flag_type_bool
val lemma : flags -> flag_type_lemma
val lemma_min : flags -> flag_type_int
val lemma_max : flags -> flag_type_int
val lemma_uip : flags -> flag_type_bool
val lemma_parametric_assert : flags -> flag_type_int
val equality : flags -> flag_type_equality
val plus_v : flags -> flag_type_bool
val backtracking : flags -> flag_type_backtracking
val iterative_deepening : flags -> flag_type_iterative_deepening
val deepening_bound : flags -> flag_type_int
val lookahead_exceeding : flags -> flag_type_bool
val restart : flags -> flag_type_restart
val jumping : flags -> flag_type_bool
val neg_assert_candidates : flags -> flag_type_neg_assert_candidates
val eprover : flags -> flag_type_string
val preprocess_split : flags -> flag_type_preprocess_split
val preprocess_unit : flags -> flag_type_bool
val preprocess_pure : flags -> flag_type_bool
val preprocess_resolution : flags -> flag_type_bool
val preprocess_equality : flags -> flag_type_bool
val input_format : flags -> flag_type_input_format
val time_out_CPU : flags -> flag_type_float
val time_out_WC : flags -> flag_type_float
val memory_limit : flags -> flag_type_int
val print_level : flags -> flag_type_int
val print_preprocess_split : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_preprocess_unit : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_preprocess_pure : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_preprocess_resolution : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_preprocess_equality : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_configuration : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_lemmas : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_finite_domain_sorts : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_finite_domain_transformation : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_finite_domain_axioms : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_finite_domain_problem : flags -> flag_type_print_fd_problem
val print_equality_axioms : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_statistics : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_model_context : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_model_context_file : flags -> flag_type_string
val print_model_DIG : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_model_DIG_file : flags -> flag_type_string
val print_model_ARM : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_model_finite : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_model_tptp : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_model_tptp_file : flags -> flag_type_string
val print_derivation_online : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_derivation_context_unifier : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_assert_candidates : flags -> flag_type_bool
val print_split_candidates : flags -> flag_type_bool
val problem_file_name : flags -> string
val zipped_file_name : flags -> string
if zip support is enabled (Zip_wrapper.enabled), and a zipped input file has been given, its name is provided here.

Flag Processing

type 'a apply_to_flag = {
   apply : 'b 'c. ('b, 'c) flag_type -> 'a;
for reasons of the type system it is not possible to pass the function contained in this type directly to Flags.process_flag. To prevent hat 'b 'c are instantiated to the first tested flag subtypes stored in a flag this polymorphic record has to be used (at least as in OCaml 3.08).

Example: The description of a flag is returned with

Flags.process_flag flag { Flags.apply = fun flag -> flag#description }

val process_flag : flag -> 'a apply_to_flag -> 'a
applies a function to the Flags.flag_type subtype contained in the flag.