Module Read_tme (.ml)

module Read_tme: sig .. end
reads tme files

See Backus Naur tme Syntax for the complete tme specification.

all functions
Raises Const.PARSE_ERROR on incorrect input.

Only the subset necessary to read formula is supported in darwin, fancy things like costs, flags, ... are not.

E.g. MSC006-1 from TPTPv2.6:

  q(XZ) :- 


  false :- p(a, b).

The supported tme subset in EBNF:

clause    ::= head [ ( ':-' | '<-' ) body ]
head      ::= literal { ( ',' | ';' ) literal }
body      ::= literal { ',' literal }
literal   ::= [ ('-' | '~') ] atom
            | 'true'
            | 'false'
atom      ::= symbol
            | symbol '(' term { ',' term } ')'
            | '(' term '=' term ')'
term      ::= variable
            | symbol [ '(' term { ',' term } ')' ]?
variable  ::= ( 'A'-'Z' | '_' ) { 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' | '0'-'9' | '_' }
symbol    ::= ( 'a'-'z' | '0'-'9' ) { 'a'-'z' | 'A'-'Z' | '0'-'9' | '_' }

% is used for line comments, /* ... */ to comment regions.

Parameteric variables can not be represented in a tme file.

type clause = Term.clause 
val to_clauses_from_string : string -> clause list
to_clauses_from_file file_name reads the tme file file_name into a Term.clause list.

On a parsing error a Failure exception is raised.

val to_clauses_from_file : string -> clause list
to_clauses_from_file file_name reads the tme file file_name into a Term.clause list.

On a parsing error a Failure exception is raised.

val to_clause : string -> clause
converts a string to a Term.clause.