Module Read_darwin (.ml)

module Read_darwin: sig .. end
reads files in darwin's format

This input format was mainly implemented for quick testing and debugging. Every formula is seen as a clause. White space between tokens is ignored.

All functions
Raises Const.PARSE_ERROR on incorrect input.

type var = Var.var 
type term = Term.term 
type literal = Term.literal 
type clause = Term.clause 
val to_var : string -> var
converts a string to a Var.var.
val to_term : string -> term
converts a string to a Term.term.
val to_literal : string -> literal
converts a string to a Term.literal.
val to_clause : string -> clause
converts a string to a Term.clause.
val to_clauses : string -> clause list
to_clauses string converts string into a Term.clause list
val to_clauses_from_string : string -> clause list
to_clauses_from_file file_name reads the file file_name and converts it into a Term.clause list
val to_clauses_from_file : string -> clause list
to_clauses_from_file file_name reads the file file_name and converts it into a Term.clause list