module Problem_literals:checking of problem literals against new context literalssig
Contains all literals of the problem set (input clause set).
As the same literal may occur in different clauses at the same as well as different positions, it is stored paired with the index of its position. Identical combinations of literals and positions are stored only once.
Checks for each new context literal its unifiability
with all problem literals, stores the information
(substitution, resolved, subsumed, ...),
and calls Context_unifier_search.Search.search_context_unifiers
for each clause where the new context literal unifies.
Applies the Resolve and Subsume rule
of the model evolution calculus.
As this module contains no information about clauses,
Resolve is only applied in a restricted - clause independent - way,
i.e. as subsumption of the problem literal.
typeconfig =
typebound =
typestatistic =
typeliteral =
typesubst =
typechoice_point =
typestate =
typecontext =
typecontext_partner =
typeinput_partner =
typecontext_unifier_space =
val create : config ->
bound ->
statistic ->
state ->
context -> problem_literals
data structure within a given environment.val register_literal : problem_literals ->
literal -> int -> input_partner
register_literal problem_literals literal index
retrieves (or implicitly creates)
the input_partner representing the problem literal
used at the index
position in a clause.val register_input_partner : problem_literals ->
input_partner ->
context_unifier_space -> unit
register_input_partner problem_literals input_partner context_unifier_space
registers the context_unifier_space
as containing the literal input_partner
so that if a context literal unifies with this literal
is searched for new context unifiers.
must have been previously retrieved
with Problem_literals.register_literal
val unregister_space : problem_literals ->
context_unifier_space -> unit
with this space.
also undoes the effects of Problem_literals.register_input_partner
if it has been only called with input_partners from this space.val add : problem_literals ->
Context.element -> Context_unifier.candidate_type -> unit
add problem_literals context_literal candidate_type
checks the new context_literal
against all stored problem literals,
and calls Context_unifier_search.Search.search_context_unifiers
for each match.
Based on candidate_type
the computation of assert or split candidates
might be deferred until computed with Problem_literals.compute_deferred
Close candidates are always computed.
must be Close
, CloseAssert
, or All
val compute_deferred : problem_literals -> Context_unifier.candidate_type -> unit
compute_deferred problem_literals candidate_type
computes all context unifiers with the context based on candidate_type
where candidate_type
must be Assert
or Split
to be used in conjunction with Problem_literals.add
most prominently to compute first only CloseAssert
and later the previously ignored Split
val compute_for_element : problem_literals ->
Context.element -> Context_unifier.candidate_type -> unit
compute_for_element problem_literals context_element candidate_type
computes all context unifiers with the context based on candidate_type
where candidate_type
must be Assert
or Split
which are created by context_element
That is, context_element
must be used in the context unifier,
and no context literal younger than context_element
can be used.val is_space_subsumed : problem_literals ->
context_unifier_space -> bool
val backtrack : problem_literals -> unit
DEPENDENCY: Context.backtrack
must have been executed before.