Module Print (.ml)

module Print: sig .. end
common print functions and constants used in ouput


val label_width : int
the length of lables used in printing of configuration and statistic entries.


val left_pad : string -> int -> string
left_pad string width ensures that string has at least width by adding whitespace on its left side.
val right_pad : string -> int -> string
analog to left_pad.
val print_label : string -> string -> unit
formatted printing of a label and its value.
val print_statistic : string -> int -> unit
formatted printing of an integer Statistic entry and its value.
val print_statistic_64 : string -> int64 -> unit
formatted printing of an integer Statistic entry and its value.
val print_statistic_float : string -> float -> unit
formatted printing of a float Statistic entry and its value.
val output_line : Pervasives.out_channel -> string -> unit
outputs a string to the output channel followed by a new line.