Module Selection (.ml)

module Selection: sig .. end
selection of a split or assert literal

manages the computation of candidates for Assert and Split after each change of the context with Selection_assert, Selection_split.

manages the original problem clause set, plus derived lemmas.


type config = Config.config 
type bound = Bound.bound 
type statistic = Statistic.statistic 
type literal = Term.literal 
type clause = Term.clause 
type choice_point = State.choice_point 
type state = State.state 
type selected = Selection_types.selected 
type context = Context.context 
type guiding_path = Jumping.guiding_path 
type selection 
the Selection data structure
no further applicable candidate available - satisfiability of the problem detected



val create : config ->
bound ->
statistic ->
state ->
context ->
clause list ->
clause list ->
literal list -> guiding_path -> selection
create ... input_clauses lemmas initial_interpretation guiding_path creates a new selection over the given input clauses and lemmas.

if a guiding_path is given, only the search space specified by it is searched. that is, first the candidate literals are selected so that the guiding_path is recreated, then the search continues as usual.

lemmas are lemmas kept over a restart.

initial_interpretation is a set of literals which is asserted to the initial context.

val add_lemma : selection -> clause -> unit
add a lemma to the current clause set.

this does not compute any context unifiers, so Context_unifier.CLOSE may not be raised.

also ok to store local lemmas, i.e. lemmas learnt after an incomplete branch has been discovered.


val add : selection -> Context.element -> unit
to be called when a new element is added to the context. Updates the set of assert and split candidate literals. May raise Context_unifier.CLOSE.
val select : selection -> selected
selects a literal to be added to the context. Raises Selection.SATISFIABLE if no applicable candidate literal exists.


val get_lemmas : selection -> clause list
get all stored (non-local) lemmas.
val in_replay : selection -> bool
is the derivation still replaying the initial guiding path?


val backtrack : selection ->
choice_point -> literal list -> unit
backtrack selection retracted_split explanation removes candidates based on invalid states.

takes the retracted left split and its explanation.

DEPENDENCY: State_backtrack must have been executed before.