Module Lemma_grounded (.ml)

module Lemma_grounded: sig .. end
grounded lemma generation

computes a lemma, i.e. a clause entailed by the problem clause set, from a closing context unifier.

See Lemma for details.


type state = State.state 
type choice_point = State.choice_point 
type context = Context.context 
type literal = Term.literal 
type clause = Term.clause 
type subst = Subst.subst 


val get_lemma : uip:bool ->
state ->
context ->
subst ->
clause ->
literal array ->
choice_point -> clause option
get_lemma uip state context closing_context_unifier closing_clause context_literals retracted_choice_point

computes a lemma from the closing_context_unifier between the closing_clause and the used context_literals using grounded regression.

stops the regression at the retracted_choice_point, or earlier, when the uip is reached, if uip is given.