Class type Log.log

class type log = object .. end
prints the current derivation.

method apply_assert : selected -> unit
apply_assert selected registers an Assert application in the current choice point.
method apply_split_unit : selected -> unit
apply_split_unit selected registers a Unit Split application in the current choice point.
method apply_split_left : choice_point -> selected -> unit
apply_split_left choice_point selected registers a Left Split creating a new choice_point.
method apply_split_right : selected -> unit
apply_split_right selected registers a Right Split application in the current choice point.
method close : raw_context_unifier -> unit
close closing_context_unifier registers a Close application.
method incomplete : unit
registers a branch as 'closed' because of being incomplete (see Bound).
method jump : unit
registers a branch as 'closed' because of a jump (see Jumping).
method backtrack : unit
backtracks to the currently active choice point.
method finalize : unit
finalizes the derivation log. That is, depending on the log type, nothing might happen or the complete derivation might be printed.