Functor Heap.Heap (.ml)

module Heap: 
functor (Ord : OrderedType) -> sig .. end
The classic imperative array based heap data structure. Adding elements and removing the minimum element have logarithmic complexity.

The heap can take up to Sys.max_array_length elements.
Ord : OrderedType

type data = Ord.t 
type t 
the heap
val create : data -> t
creates an empty heap. null element must be provided.
val add : t -> data -> unit
adds an element.
Raises OVERFLOW if the heap is full.
val min : t -> data
returns the minimum element.
Raises Not_found if the heap is empty.
val remove_min : t -> data
removes the minimum element and returns it.
Raises Not_found if the heap is empty.
val iter : (data -> unit) -> t -> unit
iterates over all elements (in unsorted order).
val is_empty : t -> bool
no elements?
val size : t -> int
number of elements.