If you plan to participate to UNIF 2001,
please send an email message to unif2001@cs.uiowa.edu,
indicating your full name and address and
whether you intend to give a talk.
Talks will be either 15 or 30 minutes long.
The abstract should be written in LaTeX2e with the following settings: 11pt, one column, a4paper, standard margins.
What to submit:Where to submit: unif2001@cs.uiowa.edu
The IJCAR registration form will ask you to indicate which workshops you want to register to. To register for UNIF 2001 check the option: W4.
Submissions/Travel Award Applications: |
by Apr 15, 2001 |
Notification: | by Apr 30, 2001 |
Final Versions: | by May 15, 2001 |
Early Registration: | by May 15, 2001 |
UNIF 2001: | Jun 18-19, 2001 |
IJCAR 2001: | Jun 20-23, 2001 |