UNIF 2001

Call for Participation/Abstracts

If you plan to participate to UNIF 2001, please send an email message to unif2001@cs.uiowa.edu, indicating your full name and address and whether you intend to give a talk.
Talks will be either 15 or 30 minutes long.


If you would like to give a talk, your must also submit by email an extended abstract (2-4 pages) by Apr 15, 2001. Also, specify whether it will be a short talk or a long one.
You will receive notification of acceptance by Apr 30. The final version of your abstract must be submitted by May 15, 2001.

The abstract should be written in LaTeX2e with the following settings: 11pt, one column, a4paper, standard margins.

What to submit:
  1. A postscript version of the abstract
  2. A single file containing the LaTeX2e source of the abstract together with all the non-standard macros used in it.
Both files above should be submitted by email, preferably as MIME attachments.

Where to submit: unif2001@cs.uiowa.edu


All UNIF participants must register to IJCAR 2001. Please refer to the
IJCAR web page for registration instructions and deadlines.

The IJCAR registration form will ask you to indicate which workshops you want to register to. To register for UNIF 2001 check the option: W4.

Important Dates

Award Applications: 
by Apr 15, 2001
Notification: by Apr 30, 2001
Final Versions: by May 15, 2001
Early Registration: by May 15, 2001
UNIF 2001: Jun 18-19, 2001
IJCAR 2001: Jun 20-23, 2001