author = {Alexander Fuchs},
title = {{D}arwin: {A} {T}heorem {P}rover for the {M}odel {E}volution
school = {University of Koblenz-Landau},
year = 2004,
abstract = {The scope of this thesis is the theorem prover Darwin,
the first implementation of the Model Evolution calculus,
a lifting of the DPLL procedure to first-order logic
developed by Baumgartner and Tinelli.
Darwin provides an initial evaluation of the calculus' potential
and a clean basis for further improvement.
After the calculus is sketched
the proof procedure and the chosen data structures and algorithms are presented,
and it is proven that these constitute
a proper instantiation of the calculus preserving soundness and completeness.
Darwin is evaluated against the TPTP Problem Library
and the CASC competition,
thereby demonstrating that for the Bernays-Sch\"{o}nfinkel class
Darwin's performance is on par with that of the best provers.
Finally, promising ideas on how to improve on the current implementation are pointed out.}
Alexander Fuchs
Last modified: Sun Mar 20 16:47:34 CST 2005